
Proposed Bylaws Revision Ballot

All current Professional Members (per the bylaws) will be asked to vote on the Board’s proposed bylaws revisions. If you are a voting member, we encourage you to support the Board’s recommendations in order to better serve you. The proposed changes will increase efficiency, transparency and will ensure that our bylaws are legally current.

The success of a volunteer-based organization is the ability to engage a wide representation from industry and academia. We recognize that most of you, our members, have extensive professional obligations and your desire to get involved with ASEV must be weighed with your professional needs as a priority. Realigning associated duties and responsibilities for board members will ensure a more realistic and manageable commitment for those of you who wish to help govern ASEV.

Some of the significant changes proposed are:

  • Defining parameters for the Executive Committee and executive staff members to increase transparency
  • Technical Program Director – creating a new board position dedicated solely to program development in conjunction with the program committee
  • Technical Projects Committee & Director – dissolving this standing committee and board appointed position to: (a) enhance clarity in the role of the program committee and (b) enable a potential ad hoc committee with board representation to focus on technical liaison matters for the members

The proposed revisions and ballot will be emailed by the end of this year and also sent by postal delivery.