Best Paper Awards
Each year, the ASEV Best Paper Awards Committee completes an evaluation of all research papers published in the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture for the prior year. The committee selects one paper in the field of enology and one in the field of viticulture that is deemed outstanding in its content and a substantial contribution to the field.
Each best paper receives a monetary award to be shared among the authors. Each author is also awarded a plaque, complimentary National Conference registration, and an invitation to the Board of Directors dinner held at the conference site. A plaque is presented at the ASEV National Conference in June to those authors who attend. The awarded papers are also designated as such and are made freely available on the AJEV Online website.

Best Viticulture Paper
2025 Winner
Trunk Cambium Facilitates Pre-Symptomatic and Year-Round Detection of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Using the LAMP Assay
Authors: Jennifer K. Rohrs, Hannah G. Fendell-Hummel, Sarah L. MacDonald, Malcolm B. Hobbs, Monica L. Cooper
AJEV: 75(2): 0750023 (2024)
2024 Best Viticulture Paper
Biological Control of Botryosphaeria Dieback of Grapevines in British Columbia, Canada
Authors: Jinxz Pollard-Flamand, Julie Boulé, Miranda Hart, José Ramón Úrbez-Torres
AJEV: 74:0740034 (2023)
2023 Best Viticulture Paper
Electrical Stimulation as a Potential Technique for Enlarging Table Grape Berry Size by Enhancing Cell Division
Authors: Daisuke Mori, Norimichi Hanya, Hiroshi Kanamaru, Yoshiyuki Masumura, Yoshinao Aoki, Shunji Suzuki
AJEV: 73(2):106 (2022)
2022 Best Viticulture Paper
Field Performance of Winegrape Rootstocks and Fumigation during Establishment of a Chardonnay Vineyard in Washington
Authors: Katherine E. East, Inga A. Zasada, Julie Tarara, Michelle M. Moyer
AJEV: 72(2):113 (2021)
2021 Best Viticulture Paper
Soil Temperature Prior to Veraison Alters Grapevine Carbon Partitioning, Xylem Sap Hormones, and Fruit Set
Authors: Stewart K. Field, Jason P. Smith, Erin N. Morrison, R.J. Neil Emery, Bruno P. Holzapfel
AJEV: 71(1):52 (2020)
2020 Best Viticulture Paper
Elimination of the Crown Gall Pathogen, Agrobacterium vitis, from Systemically Infected Grapevines by Tissue Culture
Authors: Luz Marcela Yepes, Tom Burr, Cherie Reid, Marc Fuchs
AJEV: 70(3):243 (2019)
2019 Best Viticulture Paper
Nitrogen Requirements of Pinot noir Based on Growth Parameters, Must Composition, and Fermentation Behavior
Authors: R. Paul Schreiner, James Osborne, Patricia A. Skinkis
AJEV: 69(1):45 (2018)
2018 Best Viticulture Paper
Population Diversity of Grape Phylloxera in California and Evidence for Sexual Reproduction
Authors: Summaira Riaz, Karl T. Lund, Jeffrey Granett, M. Andrew Walker
AJEV: 68(2):218 (2017)
2017 Best Viticulture Paper
Effect of Postharvest Defoliation on Carbon and Nitrogen Resources of High-Yielding Sauvignon blanc Grapevines
Authors: Marc M. Greven, Sue M. Neal, D. Stuart Tustin, Helen Boldingh, Jeff Bennett, Maria Carmo Vasconcelos
AJEV: 67(3):315 (2016)
2016 Best Viticulture Paper
Characterization of Winery Wastewater for Reuse in California
Authors: M. Buelow, K. Steenwerth, L. Silva, and S. Parikh
AJEV: 66:302-310 (2015)
2015 Best Viticulture Paper
Persistence of Elemental Sulfur Spray Residue on Grapes during Ripening and Vinification
Authors: M. Kwasniewski, G. Sacks, and W. Wilcox
AJEV: 65:453-462 (2014)
2014 Best Viticulture Paper
Postveraison Application of Antitranspirant Di-1-p-Menthene to Control Sugar Accumulation in Sangiovese Grapevines
Authors: A. Palliotti , F. Panara, F. Famiani, P. Sabbatini, G. S. Howell, O. Silvestroni, and S. Poni
AJEV: 64:378-385 (2013)
2013 Best Viticulture Paper
Foliar Application of Abscisic Acid Increases Freezing Tolerance of Field-Grown Vitis vinifera Cabernet franc Grapevines
Authors: Y. Zhang and I. Dami
AJEV: 63:377-384 (2012)
2012 Best Viticulture Paper
Powdery Mildew Severity as a Function of Canopy Density: Associated Impacts on Sunlight Penetration and Spray Coverage
Authors: C. Austin, G. Grove, J. Meyers, and W. Wilcox
AJEV: 62:23-31 (2011)
2011 Best Viticulture Paper
Physiological Thresholds for Efficient Regulated Deficit-Irrigation Management in Winegrapes Grown under Semiarid Conditions
Authors: P. Romero, J.I. Fernández-Fernández, and A. Martinez-Cutillas
AJEV: 61:300-312 (2010)
2010 Best Viticulture Paper
Profiles of Abscisic Acid and Its Catabolites in Developing Merlot Grape (Vitis vinifera) Berries
Authors: S.J. Owen, M.D. Lafond, P. Bowen, C. Bogdanoff, K. Usher and S.R. Abrams
AJEV: 60:277-284 (2009)
2009 Best Viticulture Paper
Berry Temperature and Solar Radiation Alter Acylation, Proportion, and Concentration of Anthocyanin in Merlot Grapes
Authors: J.M. Tarara, J. Lee, S.E. Spayd and C.F. Scagel
AJEV: 59:235-247 (2008)
2008 Best Viticulture Paper
Effect of Pruning on Recovery and Productivity of Cold-Injured Merlot Grapevines
Authors: M. Keller and L.J. Mills
AJEV: 58:351-357 (2007)
2007 Best Viticulture Paper
Pierce’s Disease Symptoms: Comparison with Symptoms of Water Deficit and the Impact of Water Deficits
Authors: E.T. Thorne, J.F. Stevenson, T.L. Rost, J.M. Labavitch, and M.A. Matthews
AJEV: AJEV 57:1-11 (2006)
2006 Best Viticulture Paper
Bud Microclimate and Fruitfulness in Vitis vinifera L.
Authors: L.A. Sánchez and N.K. Dokoozlian
AJEV: 56:319-329 (2005)
2005 Best Viticulture Paper
Sensory Attributes of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines Made from Vines with Different Crop Yields
Authors: D.M. Chapman, M.A. Matthews, and J.X. Guinard
AJEV: 55:325-334 (2004)
2004 Best Viticulture Paper
Grapevine Root System and Soil Characteristics in a Vineyard Maintained Long-term with or without Interrow Sward
Authors: R. Morlat and A. Jacquet
AJEV: 54:1-7 (2003)
2003 Best Viticulture Paper
Separation of Sunlight and Temperature Effects on the Composition of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot Berries
Authors: S.E. Spayd, J.M. Tarara, D.L. Mee, and J.C. Ferguson
AJEV: 53:171-182 (2002)
2002 Best Viticulture Paper
Sunlight Exposure and Temperature Effects on Berry Growth and Composition of Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California
Authors: J. Bergqvist, N.K. Dokoozlian, and N. Ebisuda
AJEV: 52:1-7 (2001)
2001 Best Viticulture Paper
Leaf Canopy Structure and Vine Performance
Authors: M.C. Vasconselos and S. Castagnoli
AJEV: 51:390:396 (2000)
2000 Best Viticulture Paper
Grape Phylloxera Populations Adapted to Vitis berlandieri x V. riparia Rootstocks
Authors: L. Kocsis, J. Granett, M.A. Walker, H. Lin and A.D. Omer
AJEV: 50:101-106 (1999)
1999 Best Viticulture Paper
Evaluating Resistance to Grape Phylloxera in Vitis Species with an in vitro Dual Culture Assay
Authors: W. Grzegorczyk and M.A. Walker
AJEV: 49:17-22 (1998)
1998 Best Viticulture Paper
Impact of Feeding Injury by Eastern Grape Leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) on Yield and Juice Quality of Concord Grapes
Authors: T.E. Martinson, R. Dunst, A. Lakso, and G. English-Loeb
AJEV: 48:291-302 (1997)
1997 Best Viticulture Paper
The Influence of Phosphorus Availability, Scion, and Rootstock on Grapevine Shoot Growth, Leaf Area, and Petiole Phosphorus Concentration
Authors: R.S. Grant and M.A. Matthews
AJEV: 47:217-224 (1996)
1996 Best Viticulture Paper
Influence of Crop Load on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Partitioning of Seyval Grapevines. II. Seasonal Changes in Single Leaf and Whole Vine Photosynthesis
Authors: C.E. Edson, G.S. Howell, and J.A. Flore
AJEV: 46:469-477 (1995)
1995 Best Viticulture Paper
Inflorescence Necrosis Induced from Ammonium Incubation and Deterred by α-Keto-Glutarate and Ammonium Assimilation in Pinot noir Grapevines
Authors: S. Gu, P.B. Lombard, and S.F. Price
AJEV: 45:155-160 (1994)
1994 Best Viticulture Paper
Nitrogen Fertilization of White Riesling Grapes in Washington: Nitrogen Seasonal Effects on Bud Cold Hardiness and Carbohydrate Reserves
Authors: R.L. Wample, S.E. Spayd, R.G. Evans, and R.G. Stevens
AJEV: 44:159-167 (1993)
1993 Best Viticulture Paper
Use of F(ab’)2 Antibody Fragment in ELISA for Detection of Grapevine Viruses
Authors: A. Rowhani
AJEV: 43:38-40 (1992)
1992 Best Viticulture Paper
Environmental and Hormonal Effects on Development of Early Bunch Stem Necrosis
Authors: D.I. Jackson
AJEV: 42:290-294 (1991)
1991 Best Viticulture Paper
Distribution and Translocation of Nitrogen Absorbed During Late Spring by Two-Year-Old Grapevines Grown in Sand Culture
Authors: W.J. Conradie
AJEV: 41:241-250 (1990)
1990 Best Viticulture Paper
Uptake, Storage, and Utilization of Soil-applied Nitrogen by Thompson Seedless as Affected by Time of Application
Authors: W.L. Peacock, L.P. Christensen, and F.E. Broadbent
AJEV: 40:16-20 (1989)
1989 Best Viticulture Paper
Fruit Ripening in Vitis vinifera L.: Responses to Seasonal Water Deficits
Authors: M.A. Matthews and M.M. Anderson
AJEV: 39:313-320 (1988)
1988 Best Viticulture Paper
Distribution of Solutes within the Developing Grape Berry in Relation to Its Morphology
Authors: B.G. Coombe
AJEV: 38:120-127 (1987)
1987 Best Viticulture Paper
Stomatal Response of Three Grapevine Cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) to High Temperature
Authors: G. Sepúlveda and W.M. Kliewer
AJEV: 37:44-52 (1986)
1986 Best Viticulture Paper
A Study of Mineral Nutrition Relationships of Waterberry in Thompson Seedless
Authors: L.P. Christensen and J.D. Boggero
AJEV: 36:57-64 (1985)
1985 Best Viticulture Paper
Effect of Crop Level on Growth, Yield and Wine Quality of a High Yielding Carignane Vineyard
Authors: B. Bravdo, Y. Hepner, C. Loinger, S. Cohen, and H. Tabacman
AJEV: 35:247-252 (1984)
1984 Best Viticulture Paper
Effects of Irrigation and Pruning of Shiraz Grapevines on Subsequent Red Wine Pigments
Authors: B.M. Freeman
AJEV: 34:23-26 (1983)
1983 Best Viticulture Paper
The Effect of Vine Spacing and Trellising on Yield and Fruit Quality of Shiraz Grapevines
Authors: P.R. Hedberg and J. Raison
AJEV: 33:20-30 (1982)
1982 Best Viticulture Paper
Physiology of Flowering in the Grapevine — a Review
Authors: C. Srinivasan and M.G. Mullins
AJEV: 32:47-63 (1981)

Best Enology Paper
2025 Winner
Prevalence of Wildfire Smoke Exposure Markers in Oaked Commercial Wine
Authors: Mango Parker, WenWen Jiang, Adrian D. Coulter, Tracey E. Siebert, Eleanor Bilogrevic, I. Leigh Francis, Markus J. Herderich
AJEV: 75(1): 0750017 (2024)
2024 Best Enology Paper
Hydrogen Sulfide Formation in Canned Wines Under Long-Term and Accelerated Conditions
Authors: Tian Tian, Meghan Ruppel, James Osborne, Elizabeth Tomasino, R. Paul Schreiner
AJEV: 73(3): 156 (2022)
2023 Best Enology Paper
Fertilize or Supplement: The Impact of Nitrogen on Vine Productivity and Wine Sensory Properties in Chardonnay
Authors: Tian Tian, Meghan Ruppel, James Osborne, Elizabeth Tomasino, R. Paul Schreiner
AJEV: 73(3): 156 (2022)
2022 Best Enology Paper
Whole Cluster and Dried Stem Additions’ Effects on Chemical and Sensory Properties of Pinot noir Wines over Two Vintages
Authors: L. Federico Casassa, Niclas P. Dermutz, Paul F.W. Mawdsley, Margaret Thompson, Aníbal A. Catania, Thomas S. Collins, P. Layton Ashmore, Fintan du Fresne, Gregory Gasic, Jean C. Dodson Peterson
AJEV: 72(1):21 (2021)
2021 Best Enology Paper
Determination of Molecular and “Truly” Free Sulfur Dioxide in Wine: A Comparison of Headspace and Conventional Methods
Authors: Todd W. Jenkins, Patricia A. Howe, Gavin L. Sacks, Andrew L. Waterhouse
AJEV: 71(3):222 (2020)
2020 Best Enology Paper
Distribution of Yeast Cells, Temperature, and Fermentation By-Products in White Wine Fermentations
Authors: Mira Schwinn, Dominik Durner, Antonio Delgado, Ulrich Fischer
AJEV: 70(4):339 (2019)
2019 Best Enology Paper
Impact of Yeast Flocculation and Biofilm Formation on Yeast-Fungus Coadhesion in a Novel Immobilization System
Authors: Jaime Moreno-García, Teresa García-Martinez, Juan Moreno, Juan Carlos Mauricio, Minami Ogawa, Peter Luong, Linda F. Bisson
AJEV: 69(3):278 (2018)
2018 Best Enology Paper
Impact of Grape Maturity and Ethanol Concentration on Sensory Properties of Washington State Merlot Wines
Authors: Emma Sherman, David R. Greenwood, Silas G. Villas-Boâs, Hildegarde Heymann, James F. Harbertson
AJEV: 68(3):344 (2017)
2017 Best Enology Paper
Effects of Vineyard and Winemaking Practices Impacting Berry Size on Evolution of Phenolics during Winemaking
Authors: L. Federico Casassa, Richard C. Larsen, James F. Harbertson
AJEV: 67(3):257 (2016)
2016 Best Enology Paper
Sulfur Dioxide and Glutathione Alter the Outcome of Microoxygenation
Authors: A. Gambuti, G. Han, A. Peterson, and A. Waterhouse
AJEV: 66:411-423 (2015)
2015 Best Enology Paper
In-Line Measurement of Color and Total Phenolics during Red Wine Fermentations Using a Light-Emitting Diode Sensor
Authors: N. Shrake, R. Amirtharajah, C. Brenneman, R. Boulton, and A. Knoesen
AJEV: 65:463-470 (2014)
2014 Best Enology Paper
Sensory Impact of Extended Maceration and Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Washington State Cabernet Sauvignon Wines
Authors: L. F. Casassa, R. C. Larsen, C. W. Beaver, M. S. Mireles, M. Keller, W. R. Riley, R. Smithyman, and J. F. Harbertson
AJEV: 64:505-514 (2013)
2013 Best Enology Paper
Profiling the Yeast Communities of Wine Fermentations Using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis
Authors: N. Bokulich, C. Hwang, S. Liu, K. Boundy-Mills, and D. Mills
AJEV: 63:185-194 (2012)
2012 Best Enology Paper
Relative Efficacy of High-Pressure Hot Water and High-Power Ultrasonics for Wine Oak Barrel Sanitization
Authors: F. Schmid, P. Grbin, A. Yap and V. Jiranek
AJEV: 62:519-526 (2011)
2011 Best Enology Paper
Effect of Simulated Shipping Conditions on Sensory Attributes and Volatile Composition of Commercial White and Red Wines
Authors: A.L. Robinson, M. Mueller, H. Heymann, S.E. Ebeler, P.K. Boss, P.S. Solomon, and R.D. Trengove
AJEV: 61:337-347 (2010)
2010 Best Enology Paper
Chemical and Sensory Effects of Saignée, Water Addition, and Extended Maceration on High Brix Must
Authors: J.F. Harbertson, M.S. Mireles, E.D. Harwood, K.M. Weller and C.F. Ross
AJEV: 60:450-460 (2009)
2009 Best Enology Paper
Analysis of the Major Hexose Transporter Genes in Wine Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Authors: J.E. Karpel, W.R. Place and L.F. Bisson
AJEV: 59:265-275 (2008)
2008 Best Enology Paper
Interaction of Sulfur Dioxide, Polyphenols, and Oxygen in a Wine-Model System: Central Role of Iron and Copper
Authors: J.C. Danilewicz
AJEV: 58:53-60 (2007)
2007 Best Enology Paper
Genetic and Physiological Characterization of Brettanomyces bruxellensis Strains Isolated from Wines
Authors: L. Conterno, C.M.L. Joseph, T.J. Arvik, T. Henick-Kling, and L.F. Bisson
AJEV: 57:139-147 (2006)
2006 Best Enology Paper
Validation of a Solid-Phase Microextraction Method for Headspace Analysis of Wine Aroma Components
Authors: K.L. Howard, J.H. Mike, and R. Riesen
AJEV: 56:37-45 (2005)
2005 Best Enology Paper
Studies on the Wine Spoilage Capacity of Brettanomyces/Dekkera spp
Authors: P. Silva, H. Cardoso, and H. Gerós
AJEV: 55:65-72 (2004)
2004 Best Enology Paper
Influence of Sulfur Dioxide on the Formation of Aldehydes in White Wine
Authors: S.K. Frivik and S.E. Ebeler
AJEV: 54:31-38 (2003)
2003 Best Enology Paper
Effect of Bacteriocins Pediocin PD-1, Plantaricin 423, and Nisin on Biofilms of Oenococcus oeni on a Stainless Steel Surface
Authors: H.A. Nel, R. Bauer, G.M. Wolfaardt, and L.M.T. Dicks
AJEV: 53:191-196 (2002)
2002 Best Enology Paper
Identification of Brettanomyces/Dekkera Species Based on Polymorphism in the rRNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Region
Authors: C.M. Egli and T. Henick-Kling
AJEV: 52:241-247 (2001)
2001 Best Enology Paper
Evaluation of Cell Concentration Profiles and Mixing in Unagitated Wine Fermentors
Authors: S. Vlassides and D.E. Block
AJEV: 51:73-80 (2000)
2000 Best Enology Paper
Relative Impact of Major Wine Polysaccharides on the Performances of an Organic Microfiltration Membrane
Authors: A. Vernhet, P. Pellerin, M.P. Belleville, J. Planque, and M. Moutounet
AJEV: 50:51-56 (1999)
1999 Best Enology Paper
Imbalance of pH and Potassium Concentration as a Cause of Stuck Fermentations
Authors: M. Kudo, P. Vagnoli, and L.F. Bisson
AJEV: 49:295-301 (1998)
1998 Best Enology Paper
Malolactic Fermentation in Grape Musts by a Genetically Engineered Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Authors: H. Volschenk, M. Viljoen, J. Grobler, F. Bauer, A. Lonvaud-Funel, M. Denayrolles, R.E. Subden, and H.J.J. van Vuuren
AJEV: 48:193-197 (1997)
1997 Best Enology Paper
Direct Enumeration and Isolation of Wine Yeasts from Grape Surfaces
Authors: A. Martini, M. Ciani, and G. Scorzetti
AJEV: 47:435-440 (1996)
1996 Best Enology Paper
Amino Acid and Ammonium Utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Yeasts From a Chemically Defined Medium
Authors: V. Jiranek, P. Langridge, and P.A. Henschke
AJEV: 46:75-83 (1995)
1995 Best Enology Paper
Influence of Yeast Walls on the Behavior of Aroma Compounds in a Model Wine
Authors: S. Lubbers, C. Charpentier, M. Feuillat, and A. Voilley
AJEV: 45:29-33 (1994)
1994 Best Enology Paper
The Volatile Composition of Chardonnay Juices: A Study by Flavor Precursor Analysis
Authors: M.A. Sefton, I.L. Francis, and P.J. Williams
AJEV: 44:359-370 (1993)
1993 Best Enology Paper
Anthocyanin-Tannin Interactions Explaining Differences in Polymeric Phenols Between White and Red Wines
Authors: V.L. Singleton and E.K. Trousdale
AJEV: 43:63-70 (1992)
1992 Best Enology Paper
The Contribution of Hydrolyzed Flavor Precursors to Quality Differences in Shiraz Juice and Wines: An Investigation by Sensory Descriptive Analysis
Authors: N.A. Abbott, B.G. Coombe, and P.J. Williams
AJEV: 42:167-174 (1991)
1991 Best Enology Paper
Production of Decanoic Acid and Other Volatile Compounds and the Growth of Yeast and Malolactic Bacteria During Vinification
Authors: C.G. Edwards, R.B. Beelman, C.E. Bartley, and A.L. McConnell
AJEV: 41:48-56 (1990)
1990 Best Enology Paper
Ethyl Carbamate Formation in Wine: Use of Radioactively Labeled Precursors to Demonstrate the Involvement of Urea
Authors: F.F. Monteiro, E.K. Trousdale, and L.F. Bisson
AJEV: 40:1-8 (1989)
1989 Best Enology Paper
Adsorption of Protein by Bentonite in a Model Wine Solution
Authors: W.H. Blade and R. Boulton
AJEV: 39:193-199 (1988)
1988 Best Enology Paper
Heat-Unstable Proteins in Wine. I. Characterization and Removal by Bentonite Fining and Heat Treatment
Authors: J.C. Hsu and D.A. Heatherbell
AJEV: 38:11-16 (1987)
1987 Best Enology Paper
The Determination of Anthocyanins in Aging Red Wines: Comparison of HPLC and Spectral Methods
Authors: J. Bakker, N.W. Preston, and C.F. Timberlake
AJEV: 37:121-126 (1986)
1986 Best Enology Paper
Caftaric Acid Disappearance and Conversion to Products of Enzymic Oxidation in Grape Must and Wine
Authors: V.L. Singleton, M. Salgues, J. Zaya, and E. Trousdale
AJEV: 36:50-56 (1985)
1985 Best Enology Paper
A Study of the Biogenesis of Amines in a Villard Noir Wine
Authors: C. Buteau, C.L. Duitschaever, and G.C. Ashton
AJEV: 35:228-236 (1984)
1984 Best Enology Paper
Modeling and Prediction of Evaporative Ethanol Loss During Wine Fermentations
Authors: L.A. Williams and R. Boulton
AJEV: 34:234-242 (1983)
1983 Best Enology Paper
Glycerol Production of Various Strains of Saccharomyces
Authors: F. Radler and H. Schütz
AJEV: 33:36-40 (1982)
1982 Best Enology Paper
The Contribution of Some Fermentation Products to the Odor of Dry White Wines
Authors: C.A. van der Merwe and C.J. van Wyk
AJEV: 32:41-46 (1981)