Board Election

Ballot Form and Candidates for Election to the ASEV Board of Directors for 2024–2025

A slate of candidates for election has been prepared by the Nominating Committee and submitted to the Board of Directors. This slate is a result of nominations submitted by the membership from the Call for Nominations sent to Professional and Emeritus Members in November 2023. All candidates have agreed to serve if elected.

Candidates were selected in accordance with the Bylaws as revised June 2018. Elective offices to be filled are two Directors for a three-year term and a Second Vice-President for a one-year term.

All Voting Members Are Urged To Exercise This Privilege And Responsibility.

The receipt deadline for ballots is May 12, 2024. 

For your convenience, we are emailing and mailing the ballot. If you choose to vote electronically, your vote will not be confidential. If you wish for your vote to be confidential, please vote by mail when you receive your ballot and return envelope.

ASEV Member

Your name and email are collected to ensure your votes are counted only once and to provide you with confirmation of your vote. Your votes will not be confidential if you use this form for voting. Alternatively, you may vote by mail if you want a confidential ballot.

Voting Details

Second Vice-President(Required)
(Vote ONLY for ONE) Click name to open profile in a new tab or window.
(Vote ONLY for TWO) Click name to open profile in a new tab or window.

Kristen Barnhisel

Education: M.S. Food Science/Enology, U.C. Davis, 1999, B.A. Italian Literature, U.C. San Diego, 1993

Employment: Winemaker White Wine, J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines, Monterey, Paso Robles, Napa Valley, 2015 – present; QC Manager, Inglenook, Rutherford, 2013 – 2014; Winemaker, Handley Cellars, Anderson Valley, 2004 – 2012; Asst winemaker, Belvedere Winery, Healdsburg, 2000 – 2004; Assistant winemaker, Jordan Winery, Healdsburg, 1999 – 2000; Enologist, Columbia Crest Winery, Eastern Washington, Washington, 1997 – 1999.

ASEV Activities: Member 1998-1999, 2001, 2005, 2007-present; Director, 2020-2023; President 2019-2020; Director 2010-2016; Chair Awards Committee, 2021; Executive Committee, 2017-2020; Policy Committee, 2017-2018; Technical Program Committee, 2015-2020, 2023-present; Best Paper Committee, 2017-present; Budget Committee, 2017-2020; Nominating Committee 2020-present; Membership Committee Chair, 2021-present and member 2012-2016; Mentorship Committee member 2021-present; Scholarship Committee 2012-2020; Best Student Presentation Committee, 2010, 2012-2020, 2024; Industry Seminars, 2012-2013; Enology Session Moderator, 2010; Co-organizer ASEV Fun Run, 2001-2006; Member ASEV Northwest Chapter, 1997-1999.

Other Activities: Board Member Monterey County Vintners and Growers, 2024-present; Member Arroyo Seco Winegrowers, 2015-present; Member Women for WineSense Winemaking Roundtable, 2015-present; American Vineyard Foundation Enology Review 2015-2019; Member Napa Valley Wine Technical Group, 2014, Member Sonoma County Wine Technical Group, 1999-2013; Moderator Pinot Noir Seminar Unified Symposium, 2012; Smoke Taint Presentation U.C. Davis, 2009; Guest lecturer at U.C. Davis, Washington State University, Fresno State University, Wine Business IQ.