2020 Best Student Video Presentation Awards

Awards Sponsored by: Lallemand


1st Place

Andrew Harner (Major Professor: Michela Centinari, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park)
Preliminary Insights into Grapevine Ecophysiological Responses to Spotted Lanternfly Population Density in Pennsylvania

2nd Place

Harper Smith (Major Professor: Dean Volenberg, University of Missouri, Columbia)
Potential Insect Vectors of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus in Missouri Vineyards

3rd Place

Andrej Svyantek (Major Professor: Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, North Dakota State University, Fargo)
Observations on Inheritance of Lacinate Leaves in Hybrid Grapevine Populations Derived from ā€˜Chasselas Cioutatā€™


1st Place

Rachel Allison (Major Professor: Gavin Sacks, Cornell University, New York)
Glutathione Increases Formation of Unstable Copper-Sulfhydryl Complexes Capable of Releasing H2S During Bottle Storage

2nd Place

Demetra Perry (Major Professor: Gavin Sacks, Cornell University, New York)
Effects of Pre-Fermentative Treatments on Juice Fermentation Kinetics, Color Extraction, and Volatile Composition

3rd Place

Hannah Charnock (Major Professor: Belinda Kemp, Brock University, Canada)
Impact of Production Method on Metal Content in Sparkling Wines
