2021 Best Student Presentation Awards

Viticulture (oral)

Robert Blundell (Major Professor: Akif Eskalen, University of California, Davis)
Evaluation of Grapevine-Derived Microbes for Sustainable Pruning Wound Protection Against Grapevine Trunk Diseases

Viticulture (poster)

Arran Rumbaugh (Major Professor: Anita Oberholster, University of California, Davis)
Effects of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus (GRBV) on Grape Metabolic Pathways through Ripening

Viticulture (flash talk)

Evelyn Alvarez-Mendoza (Major Professor: Shunping Ding, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo)
Fungicide Resistance of Botrytis cinerea Populations on Wine Grapes in the Central Coast of California

Enology (oral)

Rachel Allison (Major Professor: Gavin Sacks, Cornell University, New York)
Accelerated Bench-Tests for Predicting H2S Formation in Canned Wines

Enology (poster)

Yiliang Cheng (Major Professor: Aude Watrelot, Iowa state university, Ames)
How do Accentuated Cut Edges and Macerating Enzyme Affect Phenolic Compounds Extraction on Marquette Wines?

Enology (flash talk)

Jenna Fryer (Major Professor: Elizabeth Tomasino, Oregon State University, Corvallis)
Smoke Attribute Carryover and Functionality of Rinse Systems in Sensory Analysis of Wildfire Affected Wines
