2006 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture Jimena Balic, (Major Professor: Sue Ebeler, University of California, Davis)Influence of Canopy Management Practices and Growing Region on Flavor [โฆ]
2022 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture (oral) Maria Zumkeller (Major Professor: Kaan Kurtural, University of California, Davis)No-till Systems and Perennial Cover Crops Show Minimal Effects on [โฆ]
2007 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture Kimberly Nicholas Cahill (Major Professor: Professor Christopher B. Field, Standford University)Modeling Climate and Climate Change Impacts on Winegrape Yields [โฆ]
2023 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture (oral) Hongrui Wang (Major Professor: Jason Londo, Cornell University, New York)Development and Deployment of an Auto-Machine Learning Prediction Model to [โฆ]
2008 Best Student Presentation Awards
Viticulture Eve-Lyn Hinckley (Major Professor: Pamela Matson, Stanford University)From Fumigant to Tracer: How Sulfur Inputs Provide Insight into Vineyard Water [โฆ]