Best Paper Awards


Best Paper Awards from the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture

Each year, the ASEV Best Paper Awards Committee completes an evaluation of all research papers published in the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture for the prior year. The committee selects one paper in the field of enology and one in the field of viticulture that is deemed outstanding in its content and a substantial contribution to the field.

Each best paper receives a monetary award to be shared among the authors. Each author is also awarded a plaque, complimentary National Conference registration, and an invitation to the Board of Directors dinner held at the conference site. A plaque is presented at the ASEV National Conference in June to those authors who attend. The awarded papers are also designated as such and are made freely available on the AJEVOnline website.​

Paper A. Palliotti , F. Panara, F. Famiani, P. Sabbatini, G. S. Howell, O. Silvestroni, and S. PoniAJEV 64:378-385 (2013)

2014 Best Viticulture Paper
Postveraison Application of Antitranspirant Di-1-p-Menthene to Control Sugar Accumulation in Sangiovese Grapevines

Paper L. F. Casassa, R. C. Larsen, C. W. Beaver, M. S. Mireles, M. Keller, W. R. Riley, R. Smithyman, and J. F. HarbertsonAJEV 64:505-514 (2013)

2014 Best Enology Paper
Sensory Impact of Extended Maceration and Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Washington State Cabernet Sauvignon Wines

Paper N. Bokulich, C. Hwang, S. Liu, K. Boundy-Mills, and D. MillsAJEV 63:185-194 (2012)

2013 Best Enology Paper
Profiling the Yeast Communities of Wine Fermentations Using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis

Paper F. Schmid, P. Grbin, A. Yap and V. JiranekJEV 62:519-526 (2011)

2012 Best Enology Paper
Relative Efficacy of High-Pressure Hot Water and High-Power Ultrasonics for Oak Barrel Sanitization

Paper P. Romero, J.I. Fernández-Fernández, and A. Martinez-CutillasAJEV 61:300-312 (2010)

2011 Best Viticulture Paper
Physiological Thresholds for Efficient Regulated Deficit-Irrigation Management in Winegrapes Grown Under Semiarid Conditions

Paper A.L. Robinson, M. Mueller, H. Heymann, S.E. Ebeler, P.K. Boss, P.S. Solomon, and R.D. TrengoveAJEV 61:337-347 (2010)

2011 Best Enology Paper
Effect of Simulated Shipping Conditions on Sensory Attributes and Volatile Composition of Commercial White and Red Wines

Paper S.J. Owen, M.D. Lafond, P. Bowen, C. Bogdanoff, K. Usher and S.R. AbramsAJEV 60:277-284 (2009)

2010 Best Viticulture Paper
Profiles of Abscisic Acid and Its Catabolites in Developing Merlot Grape (Vitis vinifera) Berries

Paper J.F. Harbertson, M.S. Mireles, E.D. Harwood, K.M. Weller and C.F. RossAJEV 60:450-460 (2009)

2010 Best Enology Paper
Chemical and Sensory Effects of Saignée, Water Addition, and Extended Maceration on High Brix Must

Paper J.E. Karpel, W.R. Place and L.F. BissonAJEV 59:265-275 (2008)

2009 Best Enology Paper
Analysis of the Major Hexose Transporter Genes in Wine Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Paper E.T. Thorne, J.F. Stevenson, T.L. Rost, J.M. Labavitch, and M.A. MatthewsAJEV 57:1-11 (2006)

2007 Best Viticulture Paper
Pierce’s Disease Symptoms: Comparison with Symptoms of Water Deficit and the Impact of Water Deficits (658 KB)

Paper L. Conterno, C.M.L. Joseph, T.J. Arvik, T. Henick-Kling, and L.F. BissonAJEV 57:139-147 (2006)

2007 Best Enology Paper
Genetic and Physiological Characterization of Brettanomyces bruxellensis Strains Isolated from Wines (258 KB)

Paper L.A. Sánchez and N.K. DokoozlianAJEV 56:319-329 (2005)

2006 Best Viticulture Paper
Bud Microclimate and Fruitfulness in Vitis vinifera L. (740 KB)

Paper D.M. Chapman, M.A. Matthews, and J.X. GuinardAJEV 55:325-334 (2004)

2005 Best Viticulture Paper
Sensory Attributes of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines Made from Vines with Different Crop Yields (120 KB)

Paper P. Silva, H. Cardoso, and H. GerósAJEV 55:65-72 (2004)

2005 Best Enology Paper
Studies on the Wine Spoilage Capacity of Brettanomyces/Dekkera spp (670 KB)