Best Student Presentation Awards Announced at the 74th ASEV National Conference
- August 22, 2023
- Category: Press Release
DAVIS, Calif., August 22, 2023… At their June National Conference in Napa, the American Society for Enology and Viticulture provided a venue for more than 40 students from around the globe to present their research. Students provided posters as well as oral presentations and flash talks. The six chosen to receive the 2023 Best Student Presentation Award include:
For Viticulture:
- Oral Presentation – Hongrui Wang, Cornell University, New York, for “Development and Deployment of an Auto-Machine Learning Prediction Model to Monitor Grapevine Freezing Tolerance in the Eastern United States”
- Poster Presentation – Noelymar Gonzalez-Maldonado, University of California, Davis, for “Assessing the Variability of Soil Health Indicators Across California Vineyards”
- Flash Talk – David Campbell, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, for “Environmental Drivers of Tannin Extractability in Pennsylvania Winegrapes”
For Enology:
- Oral Presentation – Marcel Hensel, Dienstleistungszentrum ländlicher Raum, Germany, for “A Machine Learning Application to Differentiate White Wine, Blanc de noir, and Rosé Wine Based on CIEL*a*b*”
- Poster Presentation – Allison Badar, University of California, Davis, for “Remediation of Smoke-Impacted Wine Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers”
- Flash Talk – Matt Garcia, Oregon State University, Corvallis, for “Impact of Malolactic Fermentation Timing and Use of Torulaspora delbrueckii on Pinot noir Wine Properties”
“The quality of presentations and the professionalism demonstrated by students this year was very impressive and all the student presenters are to be commended for their efforts,” says James Osborne, chair for the ASEV Best Student Presentation Awards Committee and professor at Oregon State University, Corvallis. “We’re proud that the ASEV National Conference incorporates a professional development component that allows students to get valuable experience and feedback that they can take with them in their future endeavors.”
The Best Student Presentation Awards Committee reviews presentation content with a focus on professional training and presentation improvement and ranks the presentations for the awards. In addition to Chair James Osborne, the committee includes Leticia Chacón-Rodríguez of the University of California, Davis; Hope Goldie of Darioush Winery, California; Suraj Ka of Oregon State University, Central Point; Caroline Merrell of Jackson Family Wines, California; Anji Perry of J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines, California; Jean Dodson Peterson of Washington State University, Tri-Cities; Luis Sanchez of E. & J. Gallo Winery, California; and Qun (Kristy) Sun of California State University, Fresno.
Best student presentations are sponsored by J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines for viticulture oral, poster and flash talks and Lallemand for enology oral, poster and flash talks for enology.
Founded in 1950 by a group of researchers and winemakers, the ASEV is dedicated to the interests of enologists, viticulturists and others in the fields of wine and grape research and production throughout the world. For more information, visit
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