Research Reports – Oral & Poster

We offer the following to allow for a wide range of presentation experience. These guidelines are intended to aid you in a successful presentation at the ASEV National Conference.

Conditions & Benefits

Oral Presentations


  • It is necessary to pre-register for the ASEV National Conference. Click here to register for the conference through June 11. Registration is not complimentary. We extend our pre-registration member rate of $265 USD to all presenters through June 11. However, ASEV Student Member presenters are entitled to complimentary conference registration (General Registration, Wednesday & Thursday). If you are not an ASEV member, we encourage you to join.
  • Obtain your badge and registration material at the conference in the ASEV registration area.

General Recommendations

  • The session moderator will be available during the entire session. You are encouraged to move away from the podium and to interact with the audience. If at all possible, do not READ your entire presentation.
  • REHEARSE your presentation. Practice several times so that you are familiar with the content and your presentation will not run over the allocated time.
  • Use your visual aids as your prompter, and/or use small cards or a one page sheet of prompting words from the lecture that you can glance at. (The latter works well because you can have your hands free for the pointer).


  • You will be presenting a brief summary of your research with results and conclusions as applicable. This should be directly related to the information as submitted in your abstract.
  • Keep the description of the methodology as brief as possible. A clear message conveyed to the audience is essential to ensure they benefit from your research presentation.

Time Allowance

  • Each presentation shall be a maximum of 18 minutes in order to allow enough time for speaker transitions and Q&A at the end of the session. Make sure you leave enough time for the summary and conclusion. A brief period at the end of the session will be reserved for questions and answers.
  • Please refrain from infringing upon another speaker’s time. All sessions are on a time schedule and adherence to this schedule is very critical. If your presentation exceeds the time allowed, the session moderator will request that you end your presentation.
  • Presentations must be given during the time period that has been designed for each paper as printed in the official program. You will not be able to switch times with another speaker.

Guidelines For Microsoft PowerPoint

  • Presentation from your own laptop will not be possible. You are expected to use the laptop (running Windows 10 for PC) provided on-site.
  • Use versions 2016 or compatible earlier versions.
  • Bring your file on a USB drive.
  • Make sure your slides are sized for On-screen Show with the orientation set at Landscape, widescreen 16:9.
  • Use only standard PowerPoint fonts: Arial, Impact, Tahoma, Trebuchet, Comic Sans. Avoid Times New Roman or other serif fonts.
  • Font Sizes: slide titles – 40+ points, bulleted text – 32+ points, other text – 28+ points. Use the same for (imported) tables. 
  • Use white or bright yellow text on black or dark blue background, or vice versa. Avoid red or green text as it does not show well on the projection screen. Avoid busy backgrounds and lengthy or animated slide transitions.
  • Import pictures and photos in standard formats: .jpg, .gif, or .tif.
  • Evaluate the size of scanned images you import. Your image resolution doesn’t need to be higher than your computer screen.

Equipment Provided

  • PC Laptop with Windows 10 operating system and computer projector
  • Projection screen
  • Public address system (remote microphone)
    NOTE: Make sure that you dress in clothing suitable for attachment of the small clip-on microphone.
  • Laser pointers

Speaker Ready Room

  • Provide a copy of your PowerPoint presentation per instructions in the room.
  • All presenters are encouraged to conduct a practice trial in the Speaker Ready Room at the hotel.
  • An audiovisual technician will be available as requested.
  • Please refer to the ASEV National Conference Daily Schedule on our website for Speaker Ready Room hours and room name.

Poster Presentations

Scheduled Presentation Time

(Attendance required during Regional Wine Reception)

The assigned presentation time to attend your poster is 5:15 pm – 6:45 pm on Wednesday, June 19 during the Regional Wine Reception.

Poster Specifications Format

  • A professionally lettered sign with the assigned poster number will be provided.
    posterboard diagram
  • The poster consists of the following:
    1. Title of the presentation
    2. Authors and their institutions
    3. Introduction
    4. Materials and Methods
    5. Figures & Tables
    6. Conclusion
  • Separate pages or a large one-page format may be used Lettering on the Abstract, Title/Author, and Conclusion
  • Pages should be a minimum of 18 point type. Tables, graphs and diagrams should also be enlarged.


  • Size of poster: 46 inches (1.1684 m) by 46 inches (1.1684 m) maximum
  • Suggested type size: Minimum of 18 point
  • Enlarge graphs, figures and text so that they can be easily read.


  • Some conference attendees that visit your poster will expect a handout that includes supplemental information and a summary and conclusion. You may opt to provide a photocopy version of the poster material.

Flash Talks

  • Some student poster presenters have been assigned 3.25-minute (including introduction) oral Flash Talks. These “flash” presentations will provide additional opportunities to interact with conference attendees and to briefly review your current research highlights.
  • Enology Flash Talks will take place on Wednesday, June 19, from 4:20 pm – 5:15 pm. 
  • Viticulture Flash Talks will take place on Wednesday, June 19, from 4:20 pm – 5:00 pm. Refer to the online daily schedule for presentation times and titles.
  • REHEARSE your presentation. Practice several times so that you are familiar with the content and your presentation will not run over the allocated time.

Set Up

(Grand Ballroom, Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront)

  • Obtain your badge and registration material at the conference in the ASEV registration area.
  • All presenters are required to set up their poster(s) on Tuesday, June 18, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm or Wednesday, June 19, between 7:00 am and 7:30 am.
  • Push pins are provided and will be located in the bulletin board area.
  • The posters will be on display for viewing on Wednesday, June 19 from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm and Thursday, June 20 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.


(Grand Ballroom, Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront)

  • Presenters must dismantle their posters between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Thursday, June 20. We would appreciate your cooperation in dismantling your material only during this time. If you are unable to do this in person, please ask a colleague to do so for you or contact the poster session chair.