Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nitrogen in Grapes and Wine
- 1991
- Proceedings
Contains the keynote and poster presentations of invited speakers at the International Symposium on Nitrogen in Grapes and Wine held on June 18 & 19, 1991 in Seattle, Washington.
Table of Contents
Soil nitrogen and the uptake of nitrogen in grapevines.
O. Lohnertz
Ground water pollution by nitrate in viticultural areas.
K. Schaller
Nitrogen dynamics in grapevine: physiology and modeling.
B. Wermelinger
Translocation and storage by grapevines as affected by time of application.
W. J. Conradie
Nitrogen assimilation in higher plants: strategies for annual and perennial plant species.
A. Oaks, C. J. Clark, and J. S. Greenwood
Amino acid and protein metabolism in Vitis spp.
K. A. Roubelakis-Angelakis
Vine nitrogen requirements ā utilization of N sources from soils, fertilizers, and reserves.
L. E. Williams
Nitrogen compounds in grapes, must, and wine.
W. R. Sponholz
Influence of nitrogen on yeast and fermentation of grapes.
L. F. Bisson
Canopy microclimate implications for nitrogen effects on yield and quality.
R. E.Smart
Inflorescence necrosis: Is ammonium the culprit?
D. Jordan, P. Breen, S. F. Price, and P. B. Lombard
The relationship of nitrogen and other nutritional elements to the bunch stem necrosis disorder āwaterberryā.
L. P. Christensen, J. Boggero, and D. O. Adams
The influence of nitrogen fertilization on bud necrosis and bud fruitfulness of grapevines.
J. Perez-Harvey
Efficient uptake and utilization of nitrogen in drip- and furrow-irrigated vineyards.
W. L. Peacock, L. P. Christensen, D. J. Hirschfelt, F. E. Broadbent, and R. G. Stevens
Nitrogen fertilization and factors influencing grapevine cold hardiness.
R. L. Wample, S. E. Spayd, R. G. Evans, and R. G. Stevens
Accumulation of putrescine in grapevine leaves showing symptoms of potassium deficiency or āspring feverā.
D. O. Adams
Methods for determining the nitrogen status of vineyards.
W. M. Kliewer
Relationship between nitrogen content of must and sluggish fermentation.
R. E. Kunkee
Influence of nitrogen compounds in grapes on aroma compounds of wines.
A. Rapp and G. Versini
Influence of nitrogen compounds in grapes on ethyl carbamate formation in wines.
C. S. Ough
Hydrogen sulfide formation during fermentation: Effect of nitrogen composition in model grape musts.
P. A. Henschke and V. Jiranek
Histamine and other biogenic amines in wines.
F. Radler and K.-P. Fath
Vineyard fertilization effects on must and wine composition and quality.
S. E. Spayd, R. L. Wample, C. W. Nagel, R. G. Stevens, and R. G. Evans
Effect of soil-applied nitrogen on the yield and quality of Concord grapevines.
M. Ahmedullah and S. Roberts
Arginine as an indicator of the nitrogen status of wine grapes.
G. I. Bath, C. J. Bell, and H. L. Lloyd
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield, and juice composition of Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines.
S.-J. Bell
Automatic detection and correction of assimilable nitrogen deficiency during alcoholic fermentation under enological conditions.
M. Bely, J. M. Sablayrolles, and P. Barre
Effects of nitrogen fertilization and grafting on the composition of must and wine from Merlot grapes, particularly on the presence of ethyl carbamate.
A. Bertrand, M. C. Ingargiola, and J. Delas
Tissue nitrogen in Pinot noir grapevines as effected by nitrogen fertilization timing.
L. J. Bettiga and T. West
Determination of free amino acids in Port wine.
A. B. C. Capela and J. Bakker
Effect of nitrogen forms and rates, shading, and presence and absence of Caā on the growth, tissue nitrogen compositions, and fruit quality of grapevines.
S.-S. Chang and W. M. Kliewer
Toxicity effects of perfused inorganic salt solutions on excised grape clusters and tendrils.
B. Holzapfel and B. G. Coombe
Effects of nitrogen fertilization and grafting on the yield and quality of the crop of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot.
J. Delas, C. Molot, and J. P. Soyer
Time of nitrogen fertilization can reduce fermentation time and improve wine quality.
B. Dukes, B. Goldspink, J. Elliott, and R. Frayne
Response of Vitis vinifera cv. Sauvignon blanc grapevines to timed applications of nitrogen fertilizers.
B. Goldspink and C. Gordon
Inflorescence necrosis induced by ammonium incubation in clusters of Pinot noir grapes.
S. Gu, P. B. Lombard, and S. F. Price
Effect of glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) inhibitors on ammonium accumulation in Pinot noir leaf and cluster tissues.
S. Gu, P. B. Lombard, and S. F. Price
Yeast nitrogen demand: Selection criterion for wine yeasts for fermenting low nitrogen musts.
V. Jiranek, P. Langridge, and P. A. Henschke
Prevention of ethyl carbamate formation in wine by urea degradation using acid urease.
S. Kodama, T. Suzuki, S. Fujinawa, P. De La Teja, and F. Yotsuzuka
The effect of nitrogen composition on the ethyl carbamate formation in New York wine.
I.-M. Tegmo-Larsson and T. Henick-Kling
Girdling and shading affect inflorescence necrosis, fruit set, and tissue ammonium in Pinot noir grapevines.
A. E. Ibacache, P. B. Lombard, and S. F. Price
Responses of Thompson Seedless grapevines trained to single and divided canopy trellis systems to nitrogen fertilization.
W. M. Kliewer, C. Bogdanoff, and M. Benz
Some aspects of arginine metabolism in grapevine leaves and berries.
R. Krueger and W. M. Kliewer
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on population dynamics of leafhoppers on grapes.
M. A. Mayse, W. J. Roltsch, and R. R. Roy
Effect of temperature and free amino nitrogen in musts on the evolution of volatile acidity of Port wines.
R. M. Ramos and A. M. Faia
The effect of applied nitrogen on results of diagnostic soil and tissue tests for Concord grapes.
S. Roberts and M. Ahmedullah
Synthesis and regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase in grapevine callus.
K. A. Roubelakis-Angelakis, K. A. Loulakakis, and A. K. Kanellis
Effect of potassium and nitrogen supply on organic acid concentration and pH of grape juice: Preliminary results.
E. H. Ruhl and A. P. Fuda
The effect of lees contact time on Chardonnay wine composition.
W. Stuckey, P. Hand, P. A. Henschke, and R. Gawel
Purification and characterization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe urease.
M. W. Lubbers, J. W. Tweedie, S. B. Rodriguez, and R. J. Thornton
Member Price: $20
Non-Member: $40
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