
Student Presenter Information


All current students who will be presenting at the ASEV National Conference will be eligible for the ASEV Best Student Presentation Awards. There will be separate awards for enology and viticulture for oral, poster, and flash talk presentations given by students, as evaluated by the Best Student Presentation Awards Committee at the National Conference.


If you are an ASEV Student Member who presents at the ASEV National Conference in Napa, you are eligible for the following items (including consideration for the Best Student Presentation Awards):

  1. A check for $200 (US) to offset your travel expenses.
    This will be sent to you after the conference. Your stipend check will be mailed to the address we have on file for your membership. Please be sure to update your address that we have on file.
  2. Complimentary conference registration (General Registration, Wednesday & Thursday).
    Registration and housing will open in April. You will be notified of the exact date by email and will be provided a promotional code at that time. We encourage you to visit www.asev.org to register and reserve a hotel room (if needed) online as soon as registration and housing are open.

Click here to apply for ASEV student membership and to utilize the many benefits.

If you have any questions regarding any of these items, please contact us.