
2008 Annual Meeting Overview

The 2008 Annual Meeting held in Oregon in June hosted the largest crowd in three years. Attendance increased by 15% and the nearly 100 research reports presented reflected a 50% increase over 2007.

The Oregon wine industry provided an excellent setting as researchers and wine and grape industry members toured Oregon wineries, learned more about the world’s recognized Pinot noir regions, interacted with well-regarded domestic and international scientists, and had the opportunity to witness a unique slate of sensory scientists from California, Europe and Australia.

Best Student Presentation Awards were granted in enology with sponsorship by Lallemand and in viticulture with sponsorship by Sunridge Nurseries.

The Honorary Research Lecture and Merit Award presentation were program highlights.

With the close of the final annual meeting Supplier Showcase, ASEV gratefully acknowledges the many industry suppliers that have supported the June trade show over the years.

Mark your calendar for the week of June 22, 2009 for the first ASEV annual meeting to be held in Napa, California.