
Board Proposes Bylaw Revisions

ASEV’s Board and staff have invested months evaluating the Society’s bylaws. The results are proposed bylaw revisions that will be sent to voting members for their review and ratification.

As the organizational governing document, bylaws are instrumental in enabling the efficiency and practicality of successful operations. They also mandate aspects of transparency. Our last bylaws revision was approved by the members in 2001.

The Board recognized the need to make some basic changes to the ASEV’s organizational structure. These proposed changes are expected to ensure both positive volunteer opportunities and increased volunteer interest in our organization. The bylaw changes would lessen the responsibilities on key volunteer positions and hopefully create more realistic opportunities for the Society’s membership to play an active role in ASEV. The proposed amendments provide essential updates to keep our bylaws current with legal code.

All voting ASEV members will be sent a ballot by the end of this year to vote on the proposed bylaws revision.

An overview of significant changes proposed by the board

Creating a Technical Program Director as an appointed board position (like the Science Editor): Currently, the ASEV First Vice President is required to also serve as Program Committee Chair. The Board felt this was an overwhelming responsibility and created an unrealistic work load on a single individual. Overseeing the program committee impacts this officer’s need to focus on his or her governance commitments as an officer and Executive Committee member. This lofty charge has resulted in many nominated members declining running in an election to serve on the board and understandably so.

Dissolving the Technical Projects Committee (TPC) as a standing committee: The Technical Projects Committee’s activities have been more consistent with an ad hoc committee focused on a particular area of interest. The Board has already approved an ad hoc committee in concept, conditional upon the standing committee being dissolved. This new working group would be charged with continuing the current TPC activities that have an ongoing need such as serving as a technical liaison committee for industry regulatory issues.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Executive Director Lyndie Boulton.