
Phenolics Substances in Grapes and Wines

A Symposium Honoring Dr. Vernon L. Singleton

Professor Emeritus, Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis

February 1, 2008 • 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Reception and Banquet 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Hyatt Regency • 1209 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Pre-Registration is now closed. Registration will be open on-site on Friday, February 1 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. On-site registration for the symposium and/or the reception and dinner will be offered until sold out.

On-site registration will be open from 6:30 am – 7:00 pm.


Chair: John Thorngate, Constellation Wines U.S., California

This Symposium is a unique retrospective of Dr. Singleton’s work. Eight of the nation’s leading phenolic experts will discuss their contemporary phenolic work based on highlights of his research.

Topics will include the development of phenolic assays, construction of wine oxidation models, phenolic contributions to human perceptual response, occurrence of cinnamates in grapes and the formation of the grape reaction product.

A reception and banquet will take place after the symposium.

Written letters of congratulations, comments reflecting memories or other documents in support of Dr. Singleton’s contributions from individuals and wineries are welcome. Please direct them to ASEV Singleton Symposium, PO Box 1855, Davis, CA 95617-1855 USA, or email to We plan to develop a collection to present to Vernon Singleton.

Read our press release about the event.


Douglas O. Adams
University of California, Davis

Roger Boulton
University of California, Davis

Véronique Cheynier
INRA, France

Johannes J. L. Cilliers
PTC Nestlé, Ohio

James Harbertson
Washington State University, Prosser

James Kennedy
Oregon State University, Corvallis

Ann C. Noble
University of California, Davis

Andrew L. Waterhouse
University of California, Davis


Join us in helping to sponsor this special event for a unique opportunity.


Morning Coffee Break


