
Students Recognized at the ASEV 60th Annual Meeting

Student achievements highlighted the evening at the Student-Industry Mixer held at the American Society for Enology and Viticulture’s (ASEV) 60th Annual Meeting last June 25. Industry members mingled with eager students and their major professors as they sipped on Napa Valley wines and toasted to the future torch bearers who received scholarships and the winners of the best student presentation awards.

Committee Chair Sara Spayd and best student presentation awards’ judges Patricia Howe, Ernie Simpson and George Vierra for enology, and Ed Hellman, William Nail and Patty Skinkis for viticulture, raced against the clock to make the final decision for the best student presentations. The winners were as follows:

  • Craig Austin of Cornell University, for the viticulture poster presentation, Inhibition of Powdery Mildew by Improved Vineyard Sunlight Exposure
  • Kevin Fort of the University of California, Davis, for the viticulture oral presentation, Breeding for Salinity Tolerance in Vitis
  • Annegret Cantu of the University of California, Davis, for the enology poster presentation, Chelating Agents – A New Tool in Preventing Wine Oxidation?
  • Paula Mara of the University of California, Davis, for the enology oral presentation, Kinetics and Genetics: 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole Production in Streptomyces

Students who received scholarships were recognized by ASEV President Christian Butzke. Award recipients of the annual scholarships were: Kristin Alongi (Cornell University, New York); Michael Anderson (University of British Columbia, Canada); Marin Brewer (Cornell University, New York); Cayla Broun (California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo); Aline Cresswell (University of California, Davis); Kevin Fort (University of California, Davis); Nick Gislason (University of California, Davis); J. Nicholas Jackowetz (Cornell University, New York); James Meyers (Cornell University, New York); Michelle Moyer, the first recipient of the ASEV Michael Vail Scholarship (Cornell University, New York); Rebecca Nelson (Cornell University, New York); Trent Prezler (Cornell University, New York); Justin Scheiner (Cornell University, New York); Kirsten Skogerson (University of California, Davis); and John Sturgeon (Washington State University, Prosser).

Best student presentation awards were sponsored by Lallemand for enology and Sunridge Nurseries for viticulture.

For more information about scholarships and best student presentation awards, visit