2007 Best Student Presentation Awards
Kimberly Nicholas Cahill (Major Professor: Professor Christopher
B. Field, Standford University)
Modeling Climate and Climate Change Impacts on Winegrape
Yields in California
Jose Ramon Urbez-Torres (Major Professor: Dr. W. Douglas Gubler,
University of California, Davis)
Pathogenicity, Biology and Epidemiology of Botryosphaeria of
Grapevines in California
Robert Scholz (Major Professor: Dr. Doug Adams, University of
California, Davis)
Assessment of Fruit Tannin and Tannin-Binding Capacity of
Berry Cell Walls from Pinot noir by Clonal Selection and
Melissa Sanborn (Major Professor: Dr. Carolyn Ross, Washington
State University, Pullman)
Impact of Fining on the Sensory and Chemical Properties of
Washington State Chardonnay and Gewüztraminer Wines