
ASEV Exhibitor Advisory Ad hoc Committee Protocol
Approved at January 23, 2017 Board meeting

Last updated on January 23, 2017

Notwithstanding the ASEV Ad hoc Committee Protocol approved June 21, 2010, the ASEV board adopts the following Protocol for the ASEV Exhibitor Advisory Committee (Unified Symposium and ASEV National Conference). This committee serves as a communication channel between exhibitors, the UW&GS LLC Managing Committee, and the ASEV Board of Directors and staff to provide guidance for aspects of the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium and ASEV National Conference.

Committee Composition:
  • committee Chair must be an ASEV board member
  • six exhibitor members with a three-year term to represent a range of services or products and for the vineyard and winery, as possible
  • ASEV Executive Director
  • ASEV Event & Trade Show Manager
  • committee members must participate in the January trade show since this is a steering committee which makes recommendations
Committee Chair Responsibilities:
  • chair and ASEV Executive Director appoint members
  • adhering to Exhibitor Advisory Committee Ad hoc Committee Protocol
  • chairing all committee meetings (live or conference calls) unless alternate committee member designated for unanticipated absence
  • communicating with ASEV staff re: scheduling meetings and directing all communications and recommendations through ASEV staff
  • absent approval by the ASEV Board of Directors, this committee has no authority to incur expenses or commit ASEV to any Fiscal Obligations