
Enology – Wine Aroma Session
Research Reports

Location: Hyatt Regency Bellevue


John Thorngate, Constellation Brands, California


8:15 am – 8:35 am Impact of Intercontinental Bulk Wine Shipping Conditions on the Aroma and Sensory Profile of Chardonnay
Dominik Durner, Institute for Viticulture and Oenology, Germany
8:35 am – 8:55 am Characterizing Glycosidically-Bound Sensory Precursors in Smoke-Exposed Vitis vinifera Berries 
Matthew Noestheden, The University of British Columbia, Canada
8:55 am – 9:15 am Myths and Facts about the Role of Precursors in the Formation “Reductive Aromas” in Wines Postbottling
Marlize Bekker, The Australian Wine Research Institute, Australia
9:15 am – 9:35 am Use of Glutathione in White Winemaking – Friend or Foe?
Pascal Wegmann-Herr, Institute for Viticulture and Oenology, Germany
9:35 am – 9:55 am Free Monoterpene Isomer Profiles of Eight Vitis vinifera L. cv. Varietal White Wines
Mei Song, Oregon State University, Corvallis