Standing Committee

Publications Committee

The committee’s charge is to discuss the policies and strategic direction of the ASEV journals, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture (AJEV) and Catalyst: Discovery into Practice, making recommendations to the ASEV Board if changes are warranted, to uphold the quality of articles published by ASEV by assuming responsibility for the review process for manuscripts submitted to the two journals, and to nominate new editors based on their expertise and experience. The Enology Editors and Viticulture Editors prescreen about 40 ‒ 50 manuscripts each year and assign them to an Associate Editor. Each Associate Editor handles approximately 5 – 10 manuscripts per year. Approval of new editors is done by the ASEV Board. This committee meets at least once a year in-person, if possible. Otherwise, arrangements are made to meet by conference/video call.

Committee members are comprised of the Science Editor (3-year Board position), Managing Editor, Senior Enology and Viticulture Editors, Enology and Viticulture Editors, and Associate Editors that are members of ASEV.
  • Markus Keller (Chair), Washington State University, Prosser
  • Raquel Abad, AJEV Managing Editor
  • Terry Bates, Cornell University, New York
  • Linda Bisson, University of California, Davis
  • Francisco Carrau, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
  • Michela Centinari, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
  • Monica Cooper, University of California Cooperative Extension, Napa County
  • Peter Cousins, E. & J. Gallo Winery, California
  • Nick Dokoozlian, E. & J. Gallo Winery, California
  • Susan Ebeler, University of California, Davis
  • Matthew Fidelibus, University of California, Davis
  • Helene Hopfer, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
  • James Kennedy, Oregon
  • Misha Kwasniewski, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
  • Michelle Moyer, Washington State University, Prosser
  • Andrew Reynolds, Canada
  • R. Paul Schreiner, USDA-ARS-HCRL, Oregon
  • Patricia Skinkis, Oregon State University, Corvallis